Blueor means

Blueor is your premier source for everything BP (Blueor Point) related. We can help you buy BP. You can also read the latest news, or engage with the community on our blueor Forum. Please keep in mind that this is a commercial website that exchanges and other BP related Transactions.

BP is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant and easy cost payments to anyone in the world. BP is an open source of global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. The extremely fast and high end servers secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. BP features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency.

BP is a digital unit that is created through a process called ‘Buying’. Just like the barcodes of several items on the bill of your shopping list, each digital BP is unique. The terms BP and BP are absolutely same, as per conditions. BP is the dividend unit of the Blueor system. Neither it is possible to intrude into the system of Blueor system, nor anyone can extract BP outside of the system from any source for its various purposes.

Unlike the paper money issued by governments, there’s a finite number of BP, ensuring that they cannot be affected by inflation and impossible to produce counterfeits. Just because the Virtual currencies are not tied to any particular country or central bank, the value of the BP depends on factors such as ability to use, demand and supply.

After joining BP, users become part of a global network of millions of BP buyers, who are able to choose among different ways to use their BPs. You can buy BP and can gain a lot of benefits from its value. In updates you will be able to make payments and transfer money to and any part of the world from any corner of this planet having internet networks.